jacq[ueline] cho

jacqueline cho is a korean-canadian writer, professional existential crisis-er, and university student.
she made a podcast at one point. they're working on another one.
based in canada, jacqueline either writes stories in the dead of the night, or at the crack of dawn, with absolutely no middle ground.
when they aren't procrastinating writing, she's watching a sitcom or making fun of jean paul sartre.
notable works
it was never just about the revolution - feb 2019 - feb 2021
audio drama; jemma yeo's audio tapes are the only surviving bits of the ill fated janalian student protests. available for the first time to the intergalactic public in the museuem of intergalactic history, listen to jemma's roadtrip across the stars of apathy, forgiveness, and of course, revolution. listen here, or wherever else you get your podcasts.
framing devices in podcasts and their usefulness against the battle of human loneliness - september 2020
observations on the use of framing devices in popular audio drama podcasts. originally written for the 2020 international podcast month event. read here.
cooler in theory - december 2020
quick notes on growing up asian-american, western pop culture, and celebration. contribution to the 2020 asian-american anthology zine legacies: celebration. read here.
on self love through the creative process - september 2021
on finding self love through creating something new. originally written for the 2021 international podcast month event. read here.
feel free to shake your hand/a really cool stick at the moon. if that doesnt work, the following options work great too.
i'd love to write with you. let's make something.
email: [email protected]
twitter: @galacticrevolt